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PSU named after S.Toraigyrov

The Toraigyrov Pavlodar state university was founded in 1996, on the basis of Pavlodar industrial institute, which, in its turn, was founded in 1960 on the strength of the USSR Council of Ministers Decree dated the 20th of September, 1960, and opened on the 1st of December of the same year. The institute was accommodated in 2 quarters and 10 one-storey hutments of the 24th military college. There were 400 students who studied at 3 faculties. The lessons were conducted by 16 teachers, and only one of them had an academic status of dotsent. Today the Toraigyrov Pavlodar state university is a multiple-discipline higher educational institution, which realizes educational programs along 2 specialties of doctorate, 17 specialties of post-graduate course, 34 specialties of graduate school and 114 specialties of higher professional training, including 54 specialties of baccalaureate and 21 secondary professional education specialties. More than 15 thousand students study at the university. There are many faculties at our university: the faculty of Finance and Economics, Faculty of Philology, Journalism and Art, History and law faculty, faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies, the faculty of metallurgy, machine building and transport, the faculty of foreign languages, Biology and Chemistry faculty, Power Engineering faculty, Architecture and Construction Engineering faculty, Distance Learning Faculty.

Many famous people of our country have graduated from PSU, the former Prime-Minister of the Republic D. Akhmetov, the Senate deputy S. Esimhanov, V. Bobrov, S. Aliguzhinov, N. Chmyh and others.

The university has a well-developed material and technical basis: 6 educational buildings, a scientific library with 6 reading halls, 4 subscription departments and 1 million specimen book resources, a museum complex consisting of 6 museums: museum of Science History of Pavlodar oblast; museum of Kazakh ethnography; museum of Technics History; geological museum; archeological Museum named after A.Margulan; PSU History Museum, plenty of laboratories, including modern computer classes, professional graphics workstation for architecture and design, media library and Internet-café.

The educational process is realized by the teaching staff of the university: 46 professors, 156 candidates, 52 doctors of science and 94 dotsents work at 40 departments and 12 scientific practical centers.

There are 2 dissertational councils in 3 specialties at the university. The scientific magazines: “Vestnik PGU”, “Nauka I technika Kazahstana” and “Olketanu Krayevedenie’, the newspapers “Bylyk”, “Akparat aidyny” are quarterly published at the university.

6.2.2 Answer the following questions:

1) Where do you study?

2. When was your university established?

3) Who was the first rector?

4) How many students were at the institute?

5) How many students are currently enrolled?

6) Were there any famous people among the graduates?

7) Are there many faculties at the university? What are the most popular of them?

8) What kinds of facilities can you find at the university?

9) Do the graduates of our university have an opportunity to continue their education? How?

10) Are you proud to study at PSU?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 572 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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