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My university

Hello, this is Vera and I want to tell you about my University and my studies.

I am very happy that I study here. It is one of the finest country’s higher educational institutions. Many famous people have graduated from my University, and not only economists or scientist, but many outstanding writers, actors showmen and politicians. Studying at our University gives a solid background in all spheres of knowledge and prepares for practical work.

Our University is quite large but not very old, compared to other national institutions. It was founded in the beginning of the 20th century. In 1915, during the World War I the University of Warsaw was evacuated here. First it had only three faculties, but later in became the largest University in the region and it gave birth to other Institutions in the region. Nowadays it is a large school where more than 18000 students are currently enrolled. The majority is full-time students, like me, and the rest are part time-students. There are also about150 graduate students – aspirants and doctorants. They conduct independent research work and have pedagogical practice.

The course of study at my University lasts five years. There are many faculties at my University. Here are some of them: the faculty of banking and finance and, the faculty of management, the faculty of business law and the faculty of accounting.

Our University is large and we have several buildings. One of the buildings is for lectures and seminars only. There are many large halls there so that students of 3-4 groups together can fit in there. And that is more than 100 people. The acoustics in such large halls is very good but sometimes it is very noisy when students chat during the lecture.

We have two other buildings for library, computer centre, gym, and other facilities. Many students from my group want to do their own research work in the future and these facilities will certainly help them.

There are several cafes at the University. My favourite one is situated in a separate one-storeyed building and people say that this is the oldest canteen or student’s café. The food there is tasty and very affordable.

There are also several dormitories or hostel buildings where students from other cities countries live. I don’t live in a dormitory – I rent an apartment.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 751 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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