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Glossary. to border on – граничить с

desert – пустыня

to border on – граничить с

international frontier- международная граница

diverse – разнообразный

forest-steppe – лес-степь

lowland – низменность

desiccation –

irrigation –

heavy machinery – тяжёлое машиностроение

wool – шерсть

industrial equipment – производственное оборудование

currency – валюта

lead –

zink – цинк

copper – медь

gold золото

silver – серебро

ferrous and non-ferrous metal – цветной и не цветной металл

coal – уголь

limestone –

chromate -

overwhelmingly -

population density – плотность населения

viticulture -

cotton – хлопок

sugar – сахарный тростник

beet – свекла

rice – рис

5.1.2 Answer the questions:

1) Where is Kazakhstan situated?

2) How long does it extend from the Volga river in the west to the Altai mountains in the east?

3) What countries does our republic border on?

4) Can you name the major rivers?

5) How many zones is Kazakhstan divided into according to climatic and economic conditions?

6) What is the cause of the desiccation of the Aral Sea.

7) What part of Kazakhstan is considered to be the granary of the country?

8) Name the main cities of Central Kazakhstan.

9) What natural resources is Western Kazakhstan rich in?

10) What is developed in Southern Kazakhstan?

5.1.3 Fill in suitable words: natural gas, currency, a sovereign and secular state, lead, copper, population density, climate, iron ore, the Aral Sea, plain, deposits, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, Tien Shan, irrigation

1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is... in the center of the Eurasia. 2. Highly developed industries in Central Kazakhstan are..., chemical industry, construction industry. 3. The Eastern Kazakhstan is rich in polymetal ores, containing..., zink,..., gold, silver. 4. The... of Kazakhstan varies greatly throughout the country.

5. The Syrdarya rises in the... mountain range and empties into.... 6. National … of Kazakhstan tenge was introduced in 1993. 7. The vast Turan … is sparsely inhabited desert. 8. The waters of the Syrdarya are used for …. 9. The … of southern Kazakhstan is the highest in the Republic. 10. Kazakhstan’s economic structure is based on its vast … of natural resources such as …, oil, ….

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 622 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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