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Higher education in Great Britain

Libraries full of books have been written on the education system in Britain, but recently it has been changing considerably.

Compulsory education begins at 5, and children attend primary school until they are 11. Normally the primary school is divided into Infants (5 — 7) and Juniors (7 — 11).

At the age of 11 most children go to a comprehensive school where they stay until they are 16. In the past children went to different types of secondary schools, but in most parts of the country everybody now goes to a comprehensive.

Some parents, who do not want their children to go to a comprehensive pay to send them to a private school. The most expensive and prestigious private schools are actually called public schools.

At the age of 16 people take their examinations. Most take General Cer­tificate of Education (G. С E.). Ordinary Levels — normally called just 'O' Levels. People take 'O' Levels in as many subjects as they want to; some take one or two, others take as many as nine or ten,

If you get good 'O' Level results, you can stay on at school until you are 18, in the Sixth Form. Here you prepare for Advanced Level Exams ('A' Lev­els). Again, you take as many of these as you want to, but most people take two or three.

In case you pass your exams well you have a chance of going on to uni­versity though this is not automatic. The number of people who study there is strictly controlled. Other types of further education are offered at poly­technics and colleges of higher education. Polytechnics offer the chance to study subjects in a more practical way, and many colleges of higher educa­tion specialize in teacher training.

Write 15 questions according to the texts, using new words and expressions in each question. Ask your group mate to reply on them. Summarize what you have learned about the British system of higher education.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 704 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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