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Australia and oceania

Australia, the British "prison island": English is the native language of about 90% (15 million people), but other native languages of the aborigines are spoken as well.

Cook Islands are in free association with New Zealand, English is official and Maori is spoken as well.

Fiji gained independence from Britain in 1970, but English is not the only official language. Fijian is official as well, and Hindustani and Chinese are spoken.

Kiribati was a Crown Colony until 1979. Besides English, the native Gilbertese language is official as well.

Nauru gained independence from Britain in 1968. English is official and widely understood, but used for government and commercial purposes only and is the first language of only 7% of the population (600 people). The other official language is Nauruian.

New Zealand became independent in 1907. Besides English (first language of 93% - 3 million people), Maori is the language of the aborigines.

Papua New Guinea gained independence from Australia in 1975. English is official, but spoken only by 1-2%, however, Pidgin English is widespread (66%). Motu and 715 (!) indigenous languages are spoken as well.

Solomon Islands were part of Britain until 1978. English is the official language but used only by 1-2%, and Melanesian pidgin is the lingua franca amongst 120 indigenous languages.

Tuvalu was a colony until 1978. Besides English, Tuvaluan is official.

Vanuatu gained independence from Britain in 1980. English, French and Bislama (Pidgin) are all official, and Melanesian languages are spoken as well.

Western Samoa belonged to New Zealand until 1962. English and Samoan (Polynesian) are both official languages.


Channel Islands (Guernsey and Jersey) are British crown dependencies, and besides English, French is official, and Norman French is spoken as well.

Gibraltar is a dependent territory of the UK, English and Spanish are the official languages, but Italian, Portuguese, what is more, Russian are spoken as well. English is spoken by the 35% of the population: 10,800 people.

Irish Republic: Irish Gaelic is the other official language besides English (spoken by 3,334,000 people).

Isle of Man is a British crown dependency. Besides the native English, Manx Gaelic is spoken.

Malta has been independent from Britain since 1964. There are two official languages: English and Maltese, and Italian is spoken as well. English is the native language of 70,600 people, 20% of the poulation.

Orkney is a part of the UK.

Shetland is a part of the UK.

United Kingdom: Besides the native English language (spoken by 56,236,000 people, 98% of the population), Welsh is spoken by 26% of the population in Wales, and Scottish Gaelic by about 60,000 in Scotland.

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