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Irregular verbs

teach taught taught учити, навчати, викладати
tear tore torn рвати
tell told told говорити, розповiдати
think thought thought думати
thrive throve thriven процвiтати
throw threw thrown кидати
thrust thrust thrust просувати, нав'язувати (свою думку)
tread trod trodden, trod iти, топтати
unbend unbent unbent випрямляти(ся)
unbent unbound unbound розв'язувати
underbid underbid underbidden знижувати цiну
undergo underwent undergone зазнавати, зносити
understand understood understood розумiти
undertake undertook undertaken братися
upset upset upset перекидатися,розстроювати
wake woke, waked woken, waked прокидатися
wear wore worn носити
weave wove woven ткати
weep wept wept плакати
win won won перемагати
wind wound wound витися, заводити
withdraw withdrew withdrawn відводити, відкликати
wring wrung wrung скручувати
write wrote written писати

Appendix 4: Abbreviations and Shortenings

Abbreviations and Shortenings Latin English Українська
A. D. Anno Domini   нашої ери
B. C.   Before Christ до нашої ери
a. m. ante meridiem   до полудня, ранок
p. m. post meridiem   після полудня, день, вечір
etc. et celera and so on тощо
exc.   except крім, окрім
e. g. exampli gratia for example наприклад
i. e. id est in other word(s) that is тобто
id.   the same один і той самий
cf. confer compare порівняй
fig.   figure 1) цифра 2)малюнок, схема
v. s.   see above дивись вище
vs. versus as against проти
v. v. vice versa on the contrary навпаки

Appendix 5: Mathematical Symbols and Expressions

+ addition, plus (to add)
subtraction, minus (to subtract)
˟ multiplication (to multiple (by), times)
: division (to divide (by))
= is, equals, is equals
is not equal to
~ similar to
> greater than
< less than
equal or greater than
infinity, infinite
[ ] square brackets
() round brackets
{ } braces
52 five squared
63 six cubed
75 seven to the fifth power
' minute, foot, feet (pl.)
" second, inch
a prime
a second prime or a double prime
a third prime or a triple prime
function of x
differential of x
absolute value of x
integral of
  integral of a function of x over dx
  integral between limits n and m
a sub one
a sub two
x squared
round brackets opened x minus a
R sub one multiplied by x
a to the -th power
the ratio of the product pl divided by the product ae
cube root (out) of
the square root of four
the n -th root out of a to the m -th (power)

Appendix 6: Measurement

Units of measurement of distance (Linear Measures)

a nautic mile (knot) 1852,18 metres морська миля
a mile (mi) 1609,33m миля
a yard (yd) 91.44centm ярд
a foot (feet pl.) 30.48cm фут
an inch (in) 2.54cm дюйм
a point 0.351mm пойнт

Units of measurement − of weight

a pound (lb) 453.59 grams фунт
a ounce (oz) 28.35 gr. унція
a grain 64.8 mil.gr. гран

Units of measurement − of liquids volume)

a barrel (depends on a product) 140,6 – 190,9 liters барель
for liquids 119,2 (Am) 163,6 (Br)    
a gallon (gal) 4,55 liters (Br) 3,785 (Am) галон  
a quart (qt) 1,14 liter (Br) 0,95 (Am) кварта  
a pint (pt) 0,57 liter (Br) 0,47 (Am) пінта  

Appendix 7: English language − around the world


Ascension is a part of the UK as a dependency of Saint Helena.

Botswana was a Crown Colony until 1966. Besides English, Setswana is the other official language, and Bantu is spoken as well.

Cameroon was a Crown Colony until 1961. English and French are the two official languages, plus 24 major African language groups exist here.

The Gambia gained independence from Britain in 1965, English is the official language but Mandinka, Wolof, Fulani and other indigenous vernaculars are spoken.

Ghana became an independent country from the UK in 1957. English is the official, but African languages (Akan, Moshi-Dagomba, Ewe and Gг) are native.

Lesotho was a protectorate until 1966. Sesotho is official besides English, and Zulu and Xhosa are other important languages.

Liberia is the country where liberated slaves from the US were settled from 1822. It has been an independent country since 1847. English is the native tongue of about the 96% of the population, and 20 local languages from the Niger-Congo language group are spoken.

Malawi was a protectorate until 1964. The two official languages are English and Chichewa.

Mauritius became independent from Britain in 1968. English is official, but Creole, French, Hindi, Urdu, Hakka and Bojpoori are spoken.

Namibia used to belong to South Africa. Its final independence was gained in 1990. Although English is the official language, it is spoken only by 10% of the population. Afrikaans is the language of 60%, and German and some indigenous languages like Oshivambo, Herero and Nama are spoken.

Nigeria was a Crown Colony until 1960. English is official and spoken as a first language by about 50% of the population (that is 44,000,000 people). The other native languages are Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo and Fulani.

Saint Helena is a dependent territory of the UK, English is the native language.

Seychelles gained independence in 1976. English, French and Creole are all official, and English is the first language of about the 2% of the population (2000 people).

Sierra Leone was a dependency of Britain until 1961. English is official, but regular use is limited to minority. Mende, Temne and Krio are native languages.

South Africa: The two main official languages are English and Afrikaans, plus other nine languages including Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu. English is the first language of only 10% of the population: about 3,000,000 people.

Tristan da Cunha is a part of the UK as a dependency of Saint Helena.

Uganda has been independent from Britain since 1962. Besides English, Swahili is official, and several indigenous languages such as Luganda, Bantu and Nilotic languages are spoken.

Zambia was a colony of Britain until 1964. English is the official, but about 70 indigenous languages (Bantu) are spoken.

Zimbabwe gained independence from Britain in 1980. English therefore is official, and Bantu languages like Shona and Sindebele are native.

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