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Your friend came across an interesting article about geometric shapes in art and history. Help him to translate some of the sentences he had difficulty with

1. Three Musicians is a large painting measuring more than 2 meters wide and high. It is painted in the style of Synthetic Cubism and gives the appearance of cut paper.

2. The Luoshu pattern relates to the ancient Chinese ideal of a perfect world made up of nine divisions, with eight cardinal directions and the Son of Heaven at the centre. Energy of life, Qi, is believed to flow smoothly in such an arrangement of perfect balance.

3. Analytic cubists "analyzed" natural forms and reduced the forms into basic geometric parts on the two-dimensional picture plane.

4. In its material sense, the cube is a symbol of stability. As for its mystic meaning, the cube is symbol of wisdom, truth, moral perfection.

5. Three Musicians emphasizes lively colors, angular shapes, and flat patterns.

6. Instead of an emphasis on color, Analytic cubists focused on forms like the cylinder, sphere and the cone to represent the natural world.

Imagine that you work as a reporter for travelling magazine and you were given the task to write about the most interesting buildings in the world. Choose one of the pictures in the speaking section and write a short article describing the impression the building made on you, give reasons why this place is worth seeing. Use up to 180 words.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 337 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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