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Read the sentences. If a sentence is correct, put a tick. If it has a word which should not be there, write it in the space provided

  Organizing and ordering information can a significantly improve memory.  
  You can have organize material by grouping related ideas together.  
  Some people remember information best when it is encoded visually.  
  Repeating information aloud can help you encode in the information and identify how well you have learned it.  
  An effective way to enhance recall and understanding of dense material is to teach it to an imaginary an audience.  

26. Fill in a, an, the where necessary.

1. " ...... existence of forgetting has never been proved: We only know that some things don't come to ....... mind when we want them." Friedrich Nietzsche

2. "Memory is what tells ...... man that his wife's birthday was yesterday." Mario Rocco

3. "The two offices of memory are ...... collection and ....... distribution." Samuel Johnson

4. " ...... observation is ....... old man's memory." Jonathan Swift

5. " .... clear conscience is ..... sure sign of a bad memory." Mark Twain

6. " ........ things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember." Seneca

7. "If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make ..... note that this thing is to be remembered." Edgar Allan Poe

27. Fill in the gaps with for, on (2), by, in (3), of (3).

People who believe that the mind can be replicated 1)..... a computer tend to explain the mind 2)...... terms of a computer. When theorizing about the mind, especially to outsiders but also to one another, defenders 3)..... artificial intelligence (AI) often rely 4)...... computational concepts. They regularly describe the mind and brain as the “software and hardware” 5)..... thinking, the mind as a “pattern” and the brain as a “substrate,” senses as “inputs” and behaviors as “outputs,” neurons as “processing units” and synapses as “circuitry,” to give just a few common examples.

Those who employ this analogy tend to do so with casual presumption. They rarely justify it 6)..... reference to the actual workings of computers, and they misuse and abuse terms that have clear and established definitions 7)..... computer science − established not merely because they are well understood, but because they 8)..... fact are products of human engineering. An examination of what this usage means and whether it is correct reveals a great deal about the history and present state 9)..... artificial intelligence research. And it highlights the aspirations of some of the luminaries of AI − researchers, writers, and advocates 10).... whom the metaphor of mind-as-machine is dogma rather than discipline.

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