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Compose sentences matching phrases from three columns

There is There are There will be There was There were Will there be Were there Was there Are there Is there no not any ü “freshmen” in the assembly-hall. ü 4 departments at the KPI 1898. ü too much information in one text I’ve read. ü a piece of news and two advertisements. ü few students participating in the conference. ü a lot of prominent people who worked and studied at our university. ü college clubs for students at that time. ü scientific labs in the 12 th century. ü final exams in English at the end of the term. ü vocations lasting for a fortnight this year.

21. Translate the sentences into English using the construction “there is/are…”, “there was/were…”, “there will be…”. Mind the order of words.

1. В нашому університеті приблизно 50000 студентів.

2. У Великобританії 45 університетів.

3. Скільки студентів буде в вашій групі?

4. Чи були дівчата в його групі?

5. Концертний зал університету має 1750 місць.

6. Минулого року в усіх гуртожитках КПІ було близько 9000 студентів.

22. Comment on the pictures using linking words: firstly/first of all, secondly, thirdly, after this/that, then, next, finally. Use only the Present Simple.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 406 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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