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Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once. Translate the collocations into Ukrainian

obtain, up-to-date, consequences, disposal, enterprises, protection, educational, information, research, prominent

  ........ of environment   liquidation of..........
  ...... networks   numerous.......
  ........ trends   ...... institutions
  ........ people   higher....... institutions
  at the..... of married students   to....... qualifications

Arrange the following words according to

ü similar meaning: well-known, to be located, collaboration, scientist, difficulty, to celebrate, to constitute, department, tuition, to be accommodated, to carry out, famous, teaching, to be situated, to mark, hardship, faculty, cooperation, scholar, to be settled, to fulfil(l), to form;

ü opposite meaning: daytime (studying), single, foreign, full-time student, to be connected, extra-mural, home, married, work, to be separated, leisure.

Match the words and phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents.

  to graduate from a навчати
  enterprise b перевищувати
  teaching staff c за кордоном
  to exceed d тривати
  abroad e інженерно-будівельний
  to train f викладацький склад
  to last g профілакторій
  at the disposal h закінчувати (вуз)
  civil engineering i у розпорядженні
  desease-prevention centre j підприємство

Fill the cells in the table with the words derived from the given ones.

Verb Noun
graduate ........,.........
design .........,..........,.........
conclude ............
agree .............
organize ............
measure .............,..............

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 653 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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