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III. Work in pairs. Tell your partner why Nobel decided against a Nobel Prize in mathematics

a. Give the most common reasons.

b. Listen to your partner and help. Add more information.


· The Wilks Memorial Award is awarded by the American Statistical Association to recognize outstanding contributions to statistics. It was established in 1964 and is awarded yearly. It is named in memory of the statistician Samuel Wilks. The award consists of a medal, a citation a cash honorarium (US $1500 in 2009)

V. Do you know anything about Halbert L. Dunn Award or Stewhart Medal?

Search information about these Awards and share it with students of your group

Text 7

Reading and Speaking



I. Guess the meaning of these international words. Check with your teacheror a dictionary

Prestige, prestigious, analogue, stimulus, laureate

II. Match these words with their meanings:

  at sb's behest A statement mentioned and given to support an argument
  award B almost correct amount or estimate
  achievement C a prize given as the result of such a decision
  recipient D on sb's orders
  citation E sth done successfully, with effort and skill
  approximately F courage or confidence to do sth.
  encouragement G person who receives

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 571 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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