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I. Match choices (A-E) to (1-5)

  an ancillary subject A examination for getting a degree at Cambridge
  curricula B aids which make learning or doing things easy
  tripos C taught as a subsidiary subject serving as a help but not of first importance
  available D courses of study in a school, college, etc.
  facilities E able to be used; may be obtained

II. For (6-10) choose T if the statement is true according to the text, Fif it is false or NGif the information is not givenin the text

6. Institutions in different universities of the UK have one or more courses in Statistics except post-graduate medical schools.

7. This survey takes into consideration research institutions and university institutes where regular teaching is not available.

8. In all British universities Statistics is taught as a subsidiary subject.

9. Post-graduate courses in Statistics are aimed at carrying out research work.

10. In the course of studies students of Mathematics are delivered lectures in Probability, Multivariate Correlation and Regression, Sampling Theory, Estimation, Tests of Significance, Analysis of Variance.

III. Do you know anything about awards in Statistics in your country or abroad?

Search information in the Internet and share it with other students (e.g. Guy Medal)

Text 6

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 552 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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