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I. Read the questionnaire and answer the questions below, adding or subtracting the numbers after your answer from your actual age

1. How many friends can you share problems with?

None (+1 year)

1-3 (-0.5)

4 or over (-1)

2. How many hugs or kisses do you get a week?

None (+1)

1-3 (-0.5)

4 or over (-1)

3. At what age do you expect to die?

Under 75 (+2)

76-90 (+1)

91-99 (+0)

Over 100 (-2)

4. Can you touch your toes with your legs straight?

Easily (-1)

If I push myself (+0)

Almost (+0.5)

Between 1-2 inches away (+1)

Nowhere near +2

5. What's your body shape (honestly)?

Obese (+3)

Clearly overweight (+2)

Up to 10lb overweight (+1)

Perfect for my height (-1.5)

Underweight (-1)

6. How big is your tummy?

It obscures everything below (+1)

Slightly rounded (+0.5)

Almost flat (+0)

Flat (-0.5)

7. How often do you get tired or get energy fluctuations?

Most days (+2)

Most days, only after lunch (+1.5)

Sometimes (+0.5)

Never (-1)

8. Are you a smoker?

No and never have been (-3)

I quit 5 or more years ago (-2)

I quit 3-5 years ago (-1)

I quit 1-3 years ago (+0)

I quit within the last year (+1)

I smoke (+3)

9. What's the most you've drunk in one day in the last year?

3 drinks or less (+0)

4 drinks (+0.5)

5 drinks or less (+1.0)

More than 5 drinks (+1.5)

10. Do you have lots of fillings/do your gums bleed when you brush them?

Bleeding gums and/or 11 or more of my teeth are filled (+1.5)

4-10 teeth are filled (+1)

1-3 teeth are filled (+0.5)

No (+0)

11. Do you drink soft drinks/ready-made fruit juices?

Never (-1)

1-3 glasses a week (+0.5)

4-6 glasses a week (+1)

Over 7 (+2)

12. Do you rely on packets or tins for?

All meals (+3)

Most meals (+1)

Less than half of my meals (-1)

I never use processed food (-2)

13. How many times a week do you feel too full after eating?

Over 7 (+3)

3-6 (+2)

1-2 (+1)

Never (-1.5)

14. How many colds/flu have you had in the last year?

5 or more (+1.5)

3-4 (+1)

1-2 (-0.5)

None (-1)

15. Have you taken antibiotics in the past five years?

No (-2)

1-2 courses (+2)

3 or more courses (+5)

16. How many times a week do you walk briskly, or do other exercise, for 30+ minutes?

Never (+1)

1-2 (+0)

3-4 (-0.5)

5 or more (-1.5)

17. How many times do you "strength train" a week?

Never (+1)

1-2 (+0.5)

3-5 (-1.5)

6 or more


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 487 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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