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Practice set 3


I. Answer the questions in pairs

Complete the ‘We think’ column with morning, midday, afternoon, evening or night

II. Now A read part 1 of the article on body rhythms, B read part 2

III. In pairs, complete the ‘Expert opinion’ column with the exact times. Tell each other why it is the best time of day

IV. In pairs say at what time of day you do these things. Who has the ‘best’ daily routine?

What do you think is the best time of day to I think Expert’s opinion
work or study    
have a bath    
do your homework (especially maths)    
be creative    
phone friends    
take vitamins    
have a big meal    
put on face cream    
do sport or exercise    
eat without putting on weight    

The new science of chronobiology tells us the best time of day to do everything, from writing a poem to taking pills.

By following your body’s natural daily rhythms, you can get more out of every day.

Part 1

7a.m. - 9a.m. Have a good breakfast. The metabolism is at its most active in the morning, and everything you eat at this time gives you energy but doesn’t make you put on weight. It’s also the best time of day to take vitamins. If you take them in the afternoon or evening, some vitamins can cause indigestion or keep you awake.
9a.m.- 10a.m. Go to the doctors or dentists. Injections are least painful at this time of day.
10a.m. - 12 Work, study, paint a picture or write a poem. The brain is at its most creative at this time of day.
12 – 2p.m. Eat. This is the best time of the day to have lunch. The digestive system works very efficiently at this time. You should have your big meal of the day now, and not in the evening.
2p.m. – 3p.m. Have a siesta. After lunch the body temperature goes down and the brain works more slowly. There are a lot of road accidents at this time of day because drivers fall asleep at the wheel.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 525 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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