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Advanced arithmetical operations

In spoken English, 52 is ‘five to the power (of) two’, 56 is ‘five to the power (of) six or ‘five to the sixth power’, etc. An alternative way of saying 52, 72, etc. is ‘five squared, seven squared’, etc. An alternative way of saying 53, etc. is ‘five cubed’, etc. In spoken English 5-2 is ‘five to the power (of) minus two, 6-5 is six to the power (of) minus five or ‘six to the minus fifth power’, etc. The superscript above and to the right of the number is called the exponent. This arithmetical operation is called raising to a power or exponentiation or involution. The result of this operation is called the value of the power.

In spoken English, √64 is ‘the square root of sixty-four’, and is ‘the cube root of eight’. All other roots are expressed using ordinal numbers, e.g. is ‘the fourth root of sixty-four’, and is the fifth root of one hundred and twenty-five. This operation is called extracting a root or evolution. The result of this operation is called the value of the root.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 551 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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