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Student Dima Loboda

Hi! My name’s Dima Loboda. I’m seventeen. I come from Volnovakha, a town in the south-east of Ukraine.

In June I finished school in my home town and applied to Donetsk National University. My external tests scores were high and I was admitted. So, now I’m a first-year student at the Faculty of Mathematics. Our faculty offers four courses: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science. I take a course in Statistics. I’m going to be an actuary. I’m enjoying the course a lot, but it’s very hard work. We study so many subjects: Calculus (Mathematical Analysis), Linear Algebra, Analytical Geometry, Computer Science, Theory of Probability, Ukrainian History, Foreign language, Business Ukrainian and Physical Training, PT for short. We go to big lectures, but most of the work takes place in tutorials and seminars. We have to attend all classes and can miss classes only for valid reasons.

I live in a hall of residence (dormitory) and share a room with two other students. My hall of residence is very close to the university – it’s only a 5-minute walk from it. Living without parents is a new experience for me. It has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it’s great to be independent, not to be supervised day and night, but on the other hand, you don’t have your dinner made for you and your clothes washed for you. However, I think a hall of residence is a good school of life.

After my Bachelor’s degree I’m going to continue my studies for a Master’s degree.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 408 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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