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Ex. 4. Read the text


I am not a great cinema -goer, but now that they have built a new cinema near my house I go and see a film occasionally. Actually it was last Sunday that I saw again the film that was produced by the Mosfilm Studio- “The Diamond Arm”. This comedy is a funny mixture of fiction and reality. The plot of the film is the following: a group of rogues were trying to smuggle jewellery into our country. They gave the jewels to the wrong man who was quite unsuspecting and who incidentally gave them away. When he came back to his town they began to follow him to get hold of the jewels. A lot of funny episodes happened during this hunt. Finally the smugglers were traced down by the militia.

Nikulin who was in the title-role is a real favourite with the public. Even though he sometimes didn't do anything funny the audience started laughing the very moment he appeared on the screen. His very face was enough to set them roaring with laughter. As for me, I am not terribly fond of him though

he is an actor of some talent. Another man playing the second best role, one of the gang, Mironov, was more to my taste. His acting was quite good. There were a couple of songs and some dancing too. There were some fantastic tricks as well. Such as a car lifted by a helicopter, pistol shots in the dark, hands moving in the light of diamonds. etc. I couldn’t call it exactly a very good film, but I must say I enjoyed it.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 481 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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