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The Inversion in the direct question changes to statement word order

We use if / whether (ли) after ask, want to know, wonder, not know, didn’t say / tell me. Note: to ask smb; to ask a question

Ann’s mother asked her, “ Are you tired ?” Ann’s mother asked her if she was tired.

He asked his friend, ” Do you like the wine?” He asked his friend if he liked the wine.

· Indirect Special Questions.

An indirect special question is introduced by the same adverb or pronoun that introduces the direct question.

Peter asked, ”Who has taken my book?” Peter asked who had taken his book.

I asked the gardener, “What are you planting here this year

Ex. 6. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. The teacher asked Tom: “Do you come to school by bus or on foot?” 2. A man stopped me in the street and asked: “Have you got a watch?” 3. The teacher asked us: “ Do you understand the question?”4. Henry’s father asked his son: “ Do you want to be an engineer or a doctor?”

5. I asked my friend: "How do you feel after your holiday?" 6. "Alex is an educated man", remarks Flora. 7. "John never seems low or depressed", says Jane. 8. Jack's father asked him: "Who are you writing a letter to?" 9. "Jack is on the terrace. He is playing chess with his brother", says Nelly. 10. I saw a cloud of smoke and asked: "What is burning?.” 11. I asked Peter: “Are you going to play football on Friday?” 12. He asked his secretary: “Hasn’t the postman been yet? ”

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 989 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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