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Ex. 3. Repeat what the text said about the big stores of London

Ex. 4. Fill in the following expressions in this dialogue:

Excuse me / please / I am afraid / I am sorry / thank you very much

You:...... could you help me,...?

Assistant: Yes?

You: I'd like a film to my camera, but I am not sure what kind.

Assistant: Can I see your camera?

You:...... I've left it home.

Assistant: Is it 35 mm?

You:........, but I do not really know.

Assistant: Does the film look like this or like this?

You: ah, it's like that one.

Then it is 35 mm. Slides or prints?

You: Prints,......

Assistant: 24 or 36?

You: 36,......

Assistant: That's 3.75 pounds......


Grammar: The Future Indefinite (Simple).

The Future Indefinite (Simple) (will do) is used:

Did you write the Christmas cards? - Oh, no, I had no time. I will do it now.

The shops are far from here. I will drive you there.

I will not you down. I assure you.

In two years she will be his wife. What will become of you?

Ex. 5. Decide what to do or not to do in the following situations.

1.What a hot day. … (for a swim)

2.You are too tired now. … (home work/tomorrow)

3.You forgot to phone Ann. … (now)

4.It is late evening. … (coffee)

5.It is very hot in Africa in summer. … (there/on holidays)

6.You have a lot of work to do. … (to the cinema)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 613 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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