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Ex. 4. Repeat what the text said about rules of introduction

Grammar: The verb “To Be”.

Be as an auxiliary verb.

Form and use in the formation of tenses.

· Form

Principal parts: be, was, been.

Gerund/present participle: being.

· Present Tense:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am I am not Am I?
You are You are not Are you?
He is He is not Is he?
She is She is not Is she?
It is It is not Is it?
We are We are not Are we?
You are You are not Are you?
They are They are not Are they?

· Past Tense:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I was I was not Was I?
You were You were not Were you?

Ex. 5. Put in am, is or are.

1,The sky is very blue today. 2. I … not tired. 3. This shelf … very heavy. 4. These shelves …very heavy. 5. The child … asleep. 6. Look! This... Mabel. 7. I … cold. Can you shut the window, please? 8. The castle … one thousand years old. 9. My brother and I … good tennis players. 10. Amy … at home but her parents... in church. 11. I … a student. 12. My sister … an archaeologist.

Ex. 6. Ask questions. (Read the answers to the questions first.)

1. (this name?) What's his name? Robert.

2.(single or married?) I'm single.

3.(British?) No, I'm not.

4.(where/from?); from Australia.

5.(how old?) I'm 18.

6.(a student?) No, I'm a secretary.

7.(your mother a teacher?) No, she's a lawyer.

8.(where / from?) She's Italian.

9.(her name?): Rachel

10.(how old?) She's 40.

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