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Ex. 1. Read the following and compare manners, friendship and greetings in the USA and UK with manners, friendship and greetings in Kazakhstan

When you are leaving after being introduced to a person for the first time, it is polite to say, "It was nice meeting you" or "It was a pleasure to meet you."

What do people in your country usually say in this situation? Even though Americans are informal, there are still some polite customs in this country.

Are these customs the same in your country?

1) Americans and Englishmen don't like people to come too near to them.

Do you touch people?

Many Northern Europeans and North Americans don't touch each other very much.

2) Most polite Americans wait quietly in lines (ticket lines, cafeteria lines, etc.). They try not to touch the people in front of them or behind them, if possible. It is not polite to jump the queue. Is this custom the same in your native country? One of the school rules in America is "Keep your hands to yourself."

3) In America and Great Britain people who are very good friends don't shake hands. (Unless they haven't seen each other for a long time or one wants to congratulate the other.)

As a foreign visitor to Britain or the States, people will shake you by the hand when you are introduced and when you finally depart. They will probably not shake your hand at other times.

Do people in your country shake hands?

4) Most Americans smile a lot to be polite. However, they usually do not smile at strangers in crowded city streets, or on buses, or trains. Do people smile very often to be polite in your country?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 538 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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