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The sound of his voice and the words told her who it was. It was the blushing

Young man whose name she did not know. Even now, though she had looked

At his card, she could not remember it. The only thing that had struck her was

That he lived in Tavistock Square.

"It was very sweet of you," she answered in her own voice.

"I suppose you wouldn't come to tea with me one day, would you?"

The nerve of it! She wouldn't go to tea with a duchess; he was treating her like

A chorus girl. It was rather funny when you came to think of it.

"I don't know why not."

"Will you really?" his voice sounded eager. He had a pleasant voice.


She did not feel at all like going to bed that afternoon (она совершенно не

чувствовала желания отдыхать: «ложиться в постель» в этот день).

"Today (сегодня)."

"O.K. I'll get away from the office (хорошо, я улизну из офиса). Half-past four (в

половине пятого)? 138, Tavistock Square (Тэвисток-сквер, 138)."

It was nice of him (было очень мило с его стороны) to have suggested that

(предложить именно это). He might so easily have mentioned some fashionable

place (он мог совершенно легко упомянуть какое-нибудь модное местечко)

where people would stare at her (где люди бы пялились на нее). It proved (это

доказывало) that he didn't just want to be seen with her (что он не хотел, чтобы

его просто увидели с ней).

away [q'weI] half [hQ:f] fashionable ['fxS(q)nqb(q)l]

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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