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Post-listening exercises

What are you major concerns in visiting medical facilities, for example, a doctor's office or a hospital, in a foreign country? What differences have you noticed in the medical care, facilities, and attitudes of doctors and nurses towards patients in comparison with those in your own country? Share your opinions on the topic.

Ex. 13 Listen to the recording “Doctor's Office”.


In some countries, people go to a general practitioner or a doctor trained to handle all general medical care. However, in other countries, people always go to specialists when they are ill. What is the medical care system like in your country? Are patients seen in individual, private examination rooms?

Online Investigation

Describing your own medical condition can be very difficult in a foreign language. Look at the following medical problems and decide how you would describe the problem in English. If possible, tell how the problem occurred. Use the Internet to help you with your description: sprained ankle, broken bone, the flu.

Ex. 14 Listen to the recording “Hospital”.


Has someone in your family be admitted to the hospital due to a serious illness or other medical problem? If so, please explain the circumstances and the outcome.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 449 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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