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Online investigations

Imagine you need a new mobile or cell phone. Look around and find the best deal on a cell phone for your particular needs. If you are a student, price might be important if you are paying for the phone yourself. Compare the deals for different companies you know and discuss which appeals to you most. What specific features do you look for in a phone? What advertising tactics do cell phone companies use to attract customers?

Ex. 11 Read the dialog “At the doctor’s office”. Make up your own.

Secretary: Good morning.Can I help you?

Vladimir: Good morning.My name is

Rozov.I have an 11 o'clock appointment.

Secretary: Please,take a seat.The doctor

see you soon.

Vladimir: Thank you.

Doctor: Hello,Mr.Rozov.Come in,please.

Sorry to have kept you waiting.

Vladimir: That's all right.Did you get all -

the test results?

Doctor: Yes,I got them last hight.As to the

tests,everything is okay.Your cardio

gram is normal too.

Vladimir: But what about the X-ray?Is anything


Doctor: The X-ray shows emphysema.That's

evidently the result of your heavy

smoking.Your breath shortness and your

cough are probably caused by the


Vladimir: Is that serious?

Doctor: It could become extremely serious.

If you are worried about your health

cut out your smoking.

Vladimir: Certainly,I'll try to stop smoking.What

else could you advise me to do for

improving my health?

Doctor: You should do daily exercises.Eat

small meals four or five times a day.

Vladimir: Do I have to go to the hospital?

Doctor: No.I'll give you a prescription.

Take the pills three times a day.

I want you to see me again in

three weeks.Stay well.

Vladimir: Thank you,doctor

Ex. 12 Listen to the recording “Doctor’s Appointment”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 303 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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