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Anna is asking a London passer-by how to get to the nearest police station

ANNA: Excuse me, … excuse me, sir. (Yes?) Is there a police station near here?

MAN: Er … police station? … Yes, there is. Yes. Let me just think. … Er … you wanna go … straight on … straight down this road about a mile. (Uhu.) And then turn right at the traffic lights. Yes, at the traffic lights turn right and go straight ahead. (Aha.) And then you turn left at the roundabout. There’s a big church on the corner. And the police station is next to that. (Ah! Okay. Okay.) Is it clear, miss?

ANNA: Yes, I think so. (Very good.) Bye. Thanks. (Good-bye!)

CARMEN: Okay. When you come from the tube station, you want to turn (to your) right and then keep the right (side) of the street as far as the launderette and go down this street. When you find the launderette, (you are to) cross the zebra crossing in front of the launderette and take (the) first (street on your) left. You walk down this street again and when you see the trash bin, you … er … turn (to the) left and the house is on your right. The house is 24. Is everything clear (to you), Anna?

ANNA: Yes, absolutely.

3) Good afternoon.I'd like to ask you how to get to Brooklyn College?

-Where are you starting from?

-At Jackson Heights.

-Roosevelt Avenue?

-That's correct.

-Take train number 7,get off at Times Square and transfer there to train number 2. Get off at the last stop.

-Is Brooklyn College within walking distance from there?

-Yes, it is.

-Thank you.

-You are welcome.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 641 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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