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Holidays and travelling

Learn the new vocabulary:

to travel by train (car, plane) – путешествовать поездом (машиной, самолетом)

to make a trip to … - путешествовать в …

to get a tan (to get sunburnt) – загорать

to go camping – пойти в поход

to make friends – заводить друзей

to change money – менять деньги

to hire a car – брать машину напрокат

to keep in touch with smb – поддерживать с кем-либо отношения

to be on holiday – быть в отпуске (на каникулах)

to book tickets (hotel) in advance – резервировать билеты (отель) заранее

to go sightseeing (sightseeing tour) – осматривать достопримечательности

to go sailing – плавать под парусом

to go boating – лазит по горам

to go cycling – кататься на велосипеде

to be insured (insurance) – быть застрахованным (страховка)

journey – путешествие

package holiday – отдых, организованный туристическим агенством

hiking holiday – поход

activity holiday – активный отдых

self-catering – самостоятельное приготовление пищи

holiday resort – курорт

entertainment facilities – развлекательные услуги

travel agency – туристическое агентство

the hostel staff – персонал отеля

currency – валюта

guidebook – путеводитель

suitcase – чемодан

luggage – багаж

knapsack – рюкзак

customs – таможня

seaside, coast – побережье

beach – пляж

to go for a picnic in the country – поехать за город на пикник

to take pictures – фотографировать

to relax – расслабляться, отдыхать

to enjoy doing smth – делать что-либо с удовольствием

to play chess (tennis, basketball) – играть в шахматы (теннис, баскетбол)

to play the guitar (piano) – играть на гитаре (фортепьяно)

single ticket – билет в одну сторону

return ticket – билет туда и обратно

flight – рейс, полет

to take off – вылетать

to see off – провожать

tent – палатка

to see homesick – скучать по дому

Ex.1 Find the definitions for the following words:

1. package holiday a) to have a rest

2. knapsack b) a place where you can get a tan

3. beach c) people who work in the hotel

4. the hotel staff d) the holiday organized by a travel agency

5. to relax e) foreign money

6. currency f) a bag which you can put behind your back

7. luggage g) bags and suitcases which you take on a journey

Ex.2 Find the synonyms:

trip, to travel, to get a tan, to make a trip, camping, coast, journey, seaside, to get sunburnt, hiking.

Ex.3 Cross out the wrong word:

1. suitcase, luggage, currency, knapsack, bag;

2. sailing, boating, cooking, climbing, cycling;

3. trip, guidebook, voyage, journey;

4, train, beach, plane, car, ship, bus, bicycle.

Ex.4 Discuss your preferences of travelling by car, train or plane. Substantiate your choice?

Ex.5 Put the right words (a-m) given below:

What do you start your holiday with? As for me I go to the shop and buy a (1)... to find a place where I want to (2).... Usually it's a seaside. Then I go to the (3)... and ask them to help me. They show me a lot of (4)... with beautiful pictures. I look through them paying attention to prices of course and choose something suitable for me. When they (5),.. the tickets for me it's time to pack my (6).... It's not very easy I always forget something that's why I do it (7).... Then I buy all necessary things. In order to be in time at the airport I call a (8).... Before the (9)... my (10)... and (11)... are checked. When I am in the (12)... I feel that my (13)... starts.

a) plane e)passport i) suitcase

b) guidebook f) book j) have a rest

c) travel agency g) ticket k) brochures

d) holiday h) flight l) taxi

m) in advance

Ex.6 Finish the following sentences:

1. When I travel by train I usually book tickets (заранее).

2. If I have a lot of luggage my friends (провожают меня до аэропорта).

3. If you heed any information about a train you address (справочное бюро).

4. My uncle is fond of (походами).

5. (персонал отеляfl) was very friendly and helpful.

6. When we want to go around the city we usually (берем машину напрокат).

7. I like climbing, cycling and swimming that's why I prefer (активный отдых).

Ex.7 Read the text and answer the questions after it:

Travelling / Holidays

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road.

Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means.

Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. On board large ships and small river boats people can visit foreign countries and different places of interest within their own country Many people prefer travelling by car. They think it's very convenient. You can stop wherever you wish and spend at any place as much time as you like.

The seaside is one of the most wonderful places which attract holiday-makers all over the world. There are many rest-homes, sanatoriums and tourist camps there. But it is also possible to rent a room or a furnished house for a couple of week there. Sometimes people place themselves in a tent on the sea shore enjoying fresh air and the sun all day long. As a rule it's easy to make new friends there. In the daytime you can play volleyball, tennis, swim in the warm water of the sea and sunbathe. In the evening you can sit on the beach watching the sea and enjoying the sunset. If you are fond of mountaineering you can do a lot of climbing.

1. Is travelling popular today?

2. What means of travelling do you know?

3. Which means of travel are most popular with the passengers? Why?

4. Which is the fastest way of travelling?

5. Have you ever travel by air?

6. How do people usually travel when they go abroad? Why?

7. When you travel within the country, do you usually go by car, by plane, ship or by train?

8. When did you last travel by train?

9. Do you like to change trains?

10. Is travelling by sea faster or slower than by train?

11. Do you agree that travelling by sea is always enjoyable?

12. Have you seen a storm on sea?

13. What makes travelling by car enjoyable?

14. Where do you usually spend your holiday?

15. Where do you stay when you go to the South?

16. What is the best time for travelling and tourism?

B. Find the equivalents in the text:

преимущества предпочитать что-то чему-то

стальной вагон на борту

вагон-ресторан удобно


Ex.8 Divide into four groups. Think of advantages and disadvantages of travelling by:

1) plane 2) ship 3) car 4) train

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