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Read the text to fulfil the tasks. The Ministerial Conference on the drug routes from Central Asia to Europe was held in Paris three years ago

The Ministerial Conference on the drug routes from Central Asia to Europe was held in Paris three years ago. It was organized following a French initiative with active participation of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and is now referred to as "Paris I" Conference.

The 2003 Conference gave a strong political impetus to the so-called “Paris Pact process” which has been a framework for a number of important events and vigorous practical measures aimed at mobilizing efforts of the international community to suppress the drug trafficking via Central and South-West Asia.

On the initiative of the Russian Federation, in furtherance of the “Paris Pact process”, the Foreign Ministers and heads of delegations of 55 countries seriously affected by the traffic and abuse of opium and heroin produced in Afghanistan and 23 international organizations held in Moscow on 26-28 June 2006 their second conference on the subject. Bearing in mind the global character of the drug threat from Afghanistan, the Conference was entitled “Second Ministerial Conference on Drug Trafficking Routes from Afghanistan”. It was prepared by the Government of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the UNODC. The participants in the Conference were welcomed by the President of the Russian Federation. The Conference focused specially on issues related to the illicit production and trafficking of narcotics and their precursors into and out of Afghanistan via neighboring regions to the countries of destination, and measures to further strengthen international and regional cooperation in the framework of the “Paris Pact Process” including health and social issues such as drug abuse, and treatment of HIV/AIDS caused by intra-venous drug use.

The Conference stressed that the spread in the use and trafficking of illicit drugs and the risk that narcobusiness may become fused with terrorist and extremist activities, including, first of all, in the context of financing such activities, makes it urgent to intensify joint efforts to address that global threat. By adopting this Declaration, the Participants confirmed the continuing validity of the main provisions of the “Paris I” final document and their readiness to step up efforts aimed at mobilizing the potential of the States concerned with a view to solving the global narcoproblem in the interests of international peace and security, and spoke in favor of holding ministerial meetings of that kind on a regular basis.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 333 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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