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X. Explain the italicized grammar constructions in the following sentences

1. The main purpose of the customs regime is to provide domestic producers the opportunity to offer their products in foreign markets at competitive prices, while contributing to the economic development of the national economy and creation of jobs.

2. As can be seen from the contents of the customs regime of processing in the customs territory the imported goods are exempted from customs duties and taxes only provided that products of processing should be taken away from the customs territory of Russia within the prescribed period.

3. The subsequent removal of countervailing goods is a key element of the regime of processing in the customs territory.

4. The necessity of removing countervailing goods is set to avoid upsetting the balance of free competition between processors using the products in accordance with the mode of processing, and those who declare imported goods directly to free circulation.

5. Processing for domestic consumption is a customs regime under which imported goods are used in the customs territory of Russia during a specified period of time.

6. Both the customs regime of processing for domestic consumption and the customs regime of processing in the customs territory allow the possibility to handle products not having the status of goods being in free circulation in the customs territory.

7. However, the mentioned regimes have differences.

8. The customs regime of processing outside the customs territory allows processing Russian goods outside the customs territory of Russia and to import processed products (food processing) with the provision of preferences in payment of import customs duties and taxes.

9. The main economic value of the customs regime is to provide domestic producers the opportunity to cut production costs and offer their products on the domestic market at more competitive prices.

10. Within the framework of the customs regime of processing outside the customs territory tax benefits are granted in respect of the following goods.

XI. Make a summary of the text “Economic Customs Regimes”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 503 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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