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X. Explain the italicized grammar constructions in the following sentences. 1. Goods conveyed across the customs border in connection with the implementation of the most common foreign trade contracts of sale and delivery are subject

1. Goods conveyed across the customs border in connection with the implementation of the most common foreign trade contracts of sale and delivery are subject to this regime.

2. This customs regime is one of the main customs regimes constituting the core of all customs clearance.

3. Acquisition of the status of goods released for free circulation is a consequence of the conditions of the customs regime of release for domestic consumption.

4. The legal non-compliance with these conditions is possible only in cases provided for by other legislation of the RF.

5. This customs regime implies removal from the customs territory of the RF products being in free circulation.

6. Unlike other regimes, the customs export regime involves the final export of goods from the customs territory of Russia, providing the constant presence of the goods outside the Russian territory, but their subsequent re-importation is not binding for the exporter.

7. However, the conditions for placing goods under the customs export regime do not provide for any use or disposal of the goods in the customs territory of Russia.

8. Only foreign goods, i.e. products that have no status of being in free circulation in the customs territory of the RF are placed under the customs regime of international customs transit.

9. Goods placed under the customs regime under consideration are exempt from payment of customs duties and taxes.

10. As they don’t appear in the domestic market, these products can not compete with Russian goods.

XI. Make a summary of the text “Basic Customs Regimes”.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 537 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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