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Volumetric electronics

"Polytron" is the name of a new vacuum electronic device developed by Russian scientists. This device possesses outstanding abilities.

Radio valves or semiconductor transistors in previous-generation electronic devices had an impressive number of capacitors, resistors, ferrites, etc. "Polytron" hardly needs any of them. The most complicated processes occur in its "maw" only by means of several auxiliary units. Moreover, it consumes little power.

Two remarkable features of electrons - radiation flows and undulation processes – are known to have been previously used separately in two independent classes of electronic equipment. The first class comprises radio receivers, TV sets and computers. The second one includes microwave devices such as radars, for example.

For a long time scientists, engineers and inventors have been engaged in solving the problem of how to combine the two processes, radiation flows and electrons' undulation properties, in one device. The problem has been successfully solved by the authors of "polytron". When the device was constructed, experiments were set up to study its "abilities". Scientists have discovered valuable physical effects. It turned out to be that electrons obtained and controlled in the new device have demonstrated a volumetric character, i.e., they moved in three directions. Therefore, a new trend in science and engineering was created: "stereo-electronics".

Up till now in order to discern a definite sound or a voice, it was necessary to generate first a programme for them, and then insert the voice and sound data into computer storage. A device developed on the "polytron" basis needs no programme. A sound uttered or a voice is instantaneously memorized and the apparatus itself discerns these signals among many others.

The discovered volumetric effect of the electrons' behaviour opens broad realms of the application of new devices in various fields of science and computer engineering.

At present in many laboratories of the world scientists are studying possibilities of creating "artificial intelligence". In their opinion, separate elements of man-made intelligence may turn out to be polytronic systems.


volumetric electronics – объемная электроника

in its "maw" – в его «утробе»; внутри

radiation flow – поток излучения

undulation process – процесс волнообразного движения

up till now – до сих пор

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 427 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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