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At the computing centre of the Academy of Sciences

Our country gave great support to the development of computing engineering as soon as this branch of science appeared. Several computing centres are known to have been established all over the country. It is from these centres that computational mathematics started to penetrate into all other branches of science, economic planning and industrial and agricultural management.

The Computing Centre of the Academy of Sciences was set up on the initiative of Academician M. Lavrentyev. The centre developed new numerical methods, worked out the ways and means of automating programming, solved practical problems for various institutes and perfected new computers.

As the centre developed, its work became more and more complex. There are many complicated problems to be solved in science and industry with the help of new methods. Mathematical methods of planning and industrial management involving electronic computers are being used on the increasing scale. Our scientists have developed electronic computers capable of performing up to hundred million operations per second and much more.

The Computing Centre of the Academy of Sciences pays much attention to the training of specialists. It holds scientific engineering seminars and gives consultations to the students. The Computing Centre maintains extensive scientific contacts with institutes and organizations of other countries of the world. Its leading scientists often make reports at international conferences and symposiums.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 320 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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