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Exercises. 4. Read and translate the verbs meaning repetition:

4. Read and translate the verbs meaning repetition:

retype; recompile; recycle; reuse; re-emphasize; relocate; reread; rewrite; reoccur; rearrange; reappear; replace; restart; rewind; review; return

5. Read and translate the words meaning negation!

Unusual, unused, unspecified, unlimited, unsatisfactory, infrequently, unseparated, independent, indirect, indistinguishable, impossible, disadvantage, disjunction, decode, regardless, useless

6. Find in (b) the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations in (a):

a) 1. The Boolean value; 2. repetitive statement; 3. identifiers for constants; 4. type declaration; 5. step-by-step; 6. line-by-line; 7. hand-held computers; 8. to debug a program; 9. basic features; 10. this is not the case; 11. conditional statement; 12. general-purpose languages

b) 1. основные особенности; 2. идентификаторы постоянных величин; 3. построчный; 4. отладить программу; 5. описание типа; 6. портативные компьютеры; 7. Булево значение; 8. оператор повторений; 9. поэтапный; 10. условный оператор; 11. универсальные языки; 12. это не так

7. Memorize the following definitions:

1. BASIC is a programming high level language designed for solving mathematical and business problems. It is a problem oriented language extensively used with microcomputers and microprocessors. 2. PASCAL is a general-purpose high level programming language named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal.

8. Answer the following questions:

1. What is BASIC? 2. What kinds of problems is BASIC designed for? 3. Why is the BASIC language popular on microcomputers? 4. Is it easy to debug a program written in BASIC? 5. What BASIC statements do you know? 6. What is PASCAL? 7. Who is PASCAL named after and why? 8. When did PASCAL appear as standard language? 9. How is a program in PASCAL divided? 10. How many sections does a block consist of? 11. Does PASCAL have the block structure? 12. What statements in PASCAL can you name?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 406 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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