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Economy of Russia

The Soviet Union had a centralized state control over virtually allmeans of production, exchange, distribution and investment. The Soviet Union also had a planned economy. Economic policy was made according to directives from the Communist Party, which controlled all aspects of economic activity.

Russia undertakes the transition to fully-developed market economy with challenges and obstacles. However, Russian economy has great potential for growth. Russia possesses huge supplies of many of the world's most valued natural resources, especially those required to support a modern industrialized economy. It also has a well-educated labour force with substantial technical expertise. At the same time, Soviet-era management practices, old infrastructure, and inefficient supply systems hinder efficient utilization of those resources.

Russia ended 2004 with its fifth year of growth. Although high oil prices and a relatively cheap ruble are important factors of these economic successes, since 2000 investment and consumer-high demand played a noticeable role.

Real fixed capital investments averaged gains greater than 10% over the last four years and real personal incomes increased over 12% on average. Russia also improved its international financial standing since the 1998 financial crisis, with the decline of its national debt.

Strong oil export earnings allowed Russia to increase its currency reserve. These achievements, along with a renewed government effort to advance structural reforms, raised business and investor confidence in Russia's economic prospects.

Nevertheless, serious problems exist. Oil, natural gas, metals, and timber account for more than 80% of exports. Other problems include a weak banking system, a poor business climate that discourages domestic and foreign investors, corruption, local and regional government intervention in the courts, and widespread lack of trust in institutions.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 697 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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