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Economic history of Europe

The economy of Europe comprises more than 710 million people in 48 different states. Like other continents, the wealth of Europe's states varies, although the poorest are well above the poorest states of other continents in terms of GDP and living standards. The difference in wealth across Europe can be seen in a rough East-West divide. Whilst Western European states all have high GDPs and living standards, many of Eastern Europe's economies are emerging from the collapse of the USSR and former Yugoslavia.

As a continent, Europe has the largest economy in the world. Europe's largest national economy is the economy of Germany, which ranks third globally in nominal GDP, and fifth in purchasing power parity (PPP) GDP; and its second is the United Kingdom, which ranks fifth globally in nominal GDP and sixth in PPP GDP.

Prior to World War II, Europe's major financial and industrial states were the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain, had spread rapidly across Europe, and before it the entire continent was at a high level of industry. World War I had briefly led to some European states stalling, but in the run-up to World War II Europe was able to recover well, and was competing with the ever increasing economic might of the United States of America.

However, World War II caused the destruction of most of Europe's industrial centres, and much of the continent's infrastructure was wasted.

Following World War II, Europe's economy and infrastructure was in tatters. The vast majority of Eastern European states came under the control of the USSR, and therefore a communist market-system. Those states that retained free-markets were given large amounts of aid by the USA. It was to help rebuild their state of economy.

Many Western European governments moved to link their economies, laying the foundation for the future European Union. This meant a huge increase in shared infrastructure and cross-border trade. Whilst these Western European states rapidly improved their economies, by the 1980s, the GDP and living standard of Eastern European states were behind those of their Western neighbours. Even free-market Greece, situated in South-Eastern Europe, had to struggle due to geographical isolation from Western Europe.

The economy of Europe was by this time dominated by the EU, a huge economic and political organization with 15 of Europe's states as full members. In early 2004, 10 mostly former communist states joined the EU, enlarging the union to 25 members.

In response to the massive EU growth, in 2005 a rival trade bloc to the EU was created. It is open to any previous USSR state, (including both the European and Asian states).

Most European economies are in very good shape, and the continental economy reflects this. However, economic growth is not allowed in some of the former Yugoslavia states and in the Caucasus states because of the constant conflict and unrest.

In general European nations are members of larger and more powerful trade blocs than anywhere in the world. Many people credit this with Europe's reduced gap between the rich and poor.


1. purchasing power parity (PPP) – покупательная способность

2. gross domestic product (GDP) – валовый внутренний продукт (ВВП)

3. gross national product (GNP) – валовый национальный продукт (ВНП)

4. cross-border – заграничный, зарубежный, иностранный

5. run-up – подготовительный период; подготовительная работа

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II. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The economy of Europe comprises more than 710 million people in 48 different states.

2. Many of Eastern Europe's economies are emerging from the collapse of the USSR and former Yugoslavia.

3. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain, had spread rapidly across Europe.

4. Those states that retained free-markets were given large amounts of aid by the USA.

5. The rigidity of the European labour market has also been blamed for the higher unemployment and slower growth than North America.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Europe's largest national economy is that of Germany, which ranks third globally in nominal GDP, and fifth in purchasing power parity (PPP).

2. Following World War II, Europe's economy and infrastructure was in tatters.

3. Many Western European governments moved to link their economies, laying the foundation for the future European Union.

4. In 2005 Russia created a rival trade bloc to the EU, open to any previous USSR state, including both the European and Asian states.

5. In early 2004, 10 mostly former communist states joined the EU, enlarging the union to 25 members.

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The difference in wealth across Europe can be seen in a rough East-West divide.

2. World War I had briefly led to some European states stalling, but in the run-up to World War II Europe was able to recover well.

3. It was to help rebuild their state of economy.

4. Even free-market Greece, situated in South-Eastern Europe, had to struggle due to geographical isolation from Western Europe.

5. Economic growth is not allowed in some of the former Yugoslavia states and in the Caucasus states because of the constant conflict and unrest.

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VI. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the main difference between the Western and the Eastern Europe’s economies?

2. What country has the largest national economy in Europe?

3. What dominated the economy of Europe after the WW II?

4. What was created by the Eastern European states in response to the massive EU growth?

5. What is the main reason of good shape of most European economies?

Вариант 2

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 452 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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