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Lesson 24

42. How many names of holidays and special occasion can you find in the wordchain?

43. Match holidays and special occasions with activities and things we do to celebrate them.

1) Special cakes, chickens and eggs are all signs of it. a) birthday

2) Santa Clause comes to children. b) New Year’s Eve

3) People in Britain put pumpkins on the window-sills. c) the 8th of March

4) We blow out candles on a cake. d) Easter

5) We celebrate it on the last day of December. e) April Fool’s Day

6) We say “Thank you” to our mothers. f) Christmas

7) People play tricks and tell lies to fool others. g) Halloween

44. Read and translate the text:


Easter goes back to a pagan festival called Eostre. Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of springtime and sunrise, got her name from the word east, where the sun rises. Every spring northern European peoples celebrated the festival of Eostre to honour the awakening of new life in nature. Christians related the rising of the sun to the resurrection of Jesus and their own spiritual rebirth.

Many modern Easter symbols come from pagan times. The egg, for instance, was a fertility symbol long before the Christian era. In Christian times the egg took on a new meaning symbolizing the tomb from which Christ rose.

The Easter Bunny also originated in pre-Christian fertility lore. The rabbit was the most fertile animal our ancestors knew, so they selected it as a symbol of new life. Today, children enjoy eating candy bunnies and listening to stories about the Easter Bunny, who brings Easter eggs in a fancy basket and hide them in their yards.


pagan – язичний a fertility – плодючість

an awakening – пробудження a tomb – могила

to relate – відносити a lore – вчення

resurrection – воскресіння an ancestor – прадід

45. Easter. Choose the best answer..

1) Easter is a … holiday (Jewish, Christian, Muslim)

2) It is always on … (Sunday, Tuesday)

3) Christians go to … on Easter Sunday (church, school)

4) People are ready for … (winter, spring)

5) Flowers, chicks, eggs, and rabbits are all signs of … (Easter, Christmas)

6) Little children believe in Easter … (flower, Bunny)

7) The Easter Bunny fills baskets with coloured … and … (eggs, candy; marbles, flowers)

8) On Easter morning, children hunt for their … (clothes, baskets)

46. Replace the pronoun any and its derivatives by no or its derivatives making other necessary changes.

Model: I haven’t any German books – I have no German books.

1. The little boy hasn’t any toys. 2. There isn’t any water in the jug. 3. We haven’t any classes on Sunday. 4. It was so dark that we couldn’t see anything. 5. She didn’t ask anyone to help her. 6. I didn’t know anything about it.

47. Translate into English in writing (Consult § 52)

1. Ніхто не хотів виконувати цю вправу. 2. я не побачив там нікого. 3. Він нічого не знає про мене. 4. Ми ніколи не допомагали йому. 5. У парку не було нікого. 6. Він ніколи мені про це не говорив. 7. Ніхто на нього не глянув. 8. Він ніде не працює.

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