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And gas exhibitions

Following the great success of the past four years, Kioge-97 celebrated its 5th Anniversary, firmly establishing itself as the oil and gas event for Central Asia. Kioge-97 opened its doors at the International Exhibition Centre in Almaty, demonstrating the ever growing interest in the country's vast supply of natural resources.

Kioge-97 was officially opened by the Prime Minister of the republic. Also at the opening the Deputy Prime Minister and representatives of the Ministry of Geology and Natural Resources were present. 31 Ambassadors attended this high level opening with representation from over 45 Embassies.

The Opening Reception was held at the Ankara Hotel with tremendous attendance incorporating a special Awards' presentation to individual companies which have participated at Kioge for 5 consecutive years.

Alongside the Kioge exhibition, the oil and gas projects conference was held, the audience of which was over 600 business executives from 24 countries. Such events are well attended and successful for business contacts developing.

XV. Write a summary of the text with the following phrases

a) It is well-known fact that … d) It is necessary to take into account …
b) As far as I know … e) The event is aimed at …
c) Everybody should bear in mind …  

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 278 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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