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Match the numbers and abbreviations below with the words in italics from exercise 3 in the following table

516m 110kph 3000cc (or cm³) 200km 300m 1.5l 593km² 2000kg
    height       weight    
    length       distance    
    area       liquid    
    speed       capacity    

Rewrite the measurements (1-9) below as numbers and abbreviations.

Note: In English, we say 5m x 7m as ‘five metres by seven (metres)’ when we are talking about area. In mathematics, 5x7 is ‘five times seven’ or ‘ five multiplied by seven’.

  Twenty-two kilometers per hour  
  Two litres  
  One point five square metres  
  Six square kilometers  
  Fifty milliliters  
  Eighteen kilograms  
  One hundred and thirty grams  
  One point five metres by fifty centimeters  
  Nought point seven five cubic metres  

Write true answers to the following questions.

1. How large is your classroom?

2. How tall are you?

3. What is the speed limit on the roads in your country/city/town?

4. How fast can you run?

5. What is the area of your desk?

6. How much does your bag weight?

7. How much did you weight when you were born?

8. How far is it from Kazan to Moscow?


1. What are the following things? What have the words got in common?

Biro Braille guillotine Hoover Jacuzzi Levis Stetson

Put the following words (standard international units) into the correct column.

amp Celsius curie hertz joule kelvin newton ohm pascal volt watt
Chemistry (1 word) Electricity (6 words) Physics (2 words) Temperature (2 words)  

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 928 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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