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Signs, symbols and abbreviations

(the material of the module is taken from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP;

Unit 23, pg.26; Unit 24; pg.27)


1. What do these abbreviations stand for? Match the abbreviations below with their full forms (1-9) below.

cm kg l ml g (x)² (x)³ km m
  centimetre       metre    
  gram       millilitre    
  kilogram       cubic    
  kilometre       square    

2. Do we have the same words in the Russian language? Why is it useful to have standard international systems?

Complete the sentences (1-8) below by putting one word from the box in each space.

area capacity distance length liquid (quantity) speed weight height


1. The __________of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is about three hundred metres.
2. The __________of the Charles Bridge in Prague is five hundred and sixteen metres.
3. The surface __________ of Lake Balaton in Hungary is five hundred and ninety-three square kilometers.
4. The maximum __________ limit on expressways in Poland is one hundred and ten kilometers per hour.
5. The __________ of the bell in Dubrovnik’s city tower is two thousand kilograms.
6. The __________ between Bratislava and Budapest is about two hundred kilometers.
7. A magnum champagne bottle can hold one point five litres of __________.
8. The engine __________of Formula One car is three thousand cubic centimeters.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 850 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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