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Read the following text and fill in the gaps. Use the words from the boxes below

monument invention object discussed normal tool

A gadget is a small technological (1) __________ (such as a device or an appliance) that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty (= new thing). Gadgets are considered to be more unusually or cleverly designed than (2) __________ technological objects at the time of their (3) __________.

The origins of the word " gadget " trace back to the 19th century. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, there is anecdotal evidence for the use of "gadget" as a placeholder name for a technical item whose precise name one can't remember since the 1850s. The etymology of the word is still being (4)__________. A widely circulated story holds that the word gadget was "invented" when ‘Gaget, Gauthier & Cie’, the company behind the construction of the Statue of Liberty (1886), made a small-scale version of the (5) __________ and named it after their firm; however this contradicts the evidence that the word was already used before in nautical circles, and the fact that it did not become popular, at least in the USA, until after World War I. Other sources cite a derivation from the French ‘ gâchette’ which has been applied to various pieces of a firing mechanism, or the French ‘ gagée ’, a small (6) __________ or accessory.

designed supplied services industries software enjoy engineering batteries perfect

Today, the term is widely used in a variety of (7) __________ and activities. It can refer to tools and toys, also to "smartphones", GPS navigation devices, key finders, USB toys, and radio controlled cars, etc. Some of them need (8) __________ (that may be included or may not be (9)__________) and some can be used on their own. Most of them are designed to (10) __________ people. Some of them are (11) __________ for children, some - for grown-ups, and some are (12) __________ specially for sick people to use. Gadgets may be cheap or cost much money.

In the (13) __________ industry, "gadget" refers to computer programs that provide (14) __________ without needing an independent application to be launched for each one, but instead run in an environment that manages multiple gadgets. There are several implementations based on existing software development techniques, like JavaScript, form input, and various image formats. The earliest documented use of the term gadget in context of software (15) __________ was in 1985 by the developers of AmigaOS, the operating system of the Amiga computers (intuition.library and also later gadtools.library). It means what other technological traditions call GUI widget—a control element in graphical user interface. This naming convention remains in continuing use (as of 2008) since then.


Read the following text.
1. Fill in the gaps (a - g) in the text with the words from the box below.

activate gadgets character electronic humoristic adapted gadgets

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1709 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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