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Search the Internet or other sources to find the most strange and unusual gadgets. Tell about them to your class

12. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Translate the idea, not a word for word:

1. This car has all the latest gadgets.
2. People have a lot of different gadgets at home.
3. Which gadget is the most useful?
4. ‘How can I open the bottle?’ – ‘The gadget is in the right drawer.’
5. A lot of different gadgets are invented each year.
6. Gadgets are invented not only by scientists but by ordinary people as well.
7. This company supplies tools to our manufacture.
8. Implants are out of supply at the moment.
9. When you buy toys, the batteries are usually not supplied.
10. The production process was stopped because the components had not been supplied.
11. The price includes the flight, the hotel and food.
12. The crew included one woman.
13. Engineering includes several branches.
14. A wireless mouse was included in the price of a laptop.
15. I was included into the project.
16. Frames can be made from wood, metal or plastic.
17. Nowadays glasses with a metal frame are out of fashion.
18. Each pack contains 12 batteries.
19. This bottle contains acid. Don’t handle it!
20. How many pages does this manual contain?
21. What kind of information does this manual contain?
22. This new glasses deflect your vision by 90°.
23. Do you think that bed glasses with a vision deflection are really useful?
24. Vinyl is a kind of plastic.
25. Do you think that vinyl mat is useful in the bathroom?
26. Nowadays vinyl is used practically everywhere.
27. She has the same vision of the problem!
28. Bed glasses deflect your vision by 90°.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 640 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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