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Fill in the gaps in the following sentences (1-20) with the words from the box below

ignite distance (x2) pipes measurement bandwidth (x2) splice duct deliver delivery(n) handle (x3) harm (x2) pipeline capacity (x2) diameter
1. Be careful with those chemicals – they _________ easily.
2. Nowadays old-fashioned _________ used for water are replaced by plastic ones.
3. Drivers should keep _________on the road.
4. Elina has a good _________for hard work.
5. Optical fibres _________ signals more efficiently.
6. Wash your hands before you _________ food.
7. DHL – is a well-known _________company.
8. Please, draw the __________ of the circle accurately.
9. RSI development can __________your health.
10. The __________ of this hall is 500 people.
11. People get gas with the help of __________.
12. The map tells you the __________ between major cities.
13. It is too stuffy in the room. The air- __________should be repaired.
14. Accurate __________ is very important in science.
15. Chemicals are dangerous to __________. Don’t touch them!
16. What is the __________ of your Internet? Isn’t it too slow?
17. Don’t forget to use an adjustable chair while working in order not to __________ your health.
18. To ‘__________’ means to join together two pieces of wood, magnetic tape, film, etc…
19. Engineers know how to __________(= manage, control) different problems.
20. The amount of information that can be sent by a computer in a particular time is called ‘__________’.

14. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Translate the idea, not a word for word:

1. What is the bandwidth of your Internet?
2. Can I use your computer to log in? – Yes, but the bandwidth is very low.
3. How much money do you pay for this kind of bandwidth?
4. The workers got into the building through the air duct.
5. One of the air ducts has gone wrong and that is why it is very hot indoors.
6. Please, can you measure accurately?
7. A special stick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine.
8. Please, find out the measurement of this piece of equipment.
9. This stadium has got a capacity for 20,000 people.
10. The capacity of this hall is 500 people.
11. Her capacity for accurate drawing helped her to get good mark on exam.
12. Your order will be delivered within 5 days.
13. We deliver the equipment free within the local area.
14. Does your company have a service of delivery on Sundays?
15. This company has over 50 deliveries per day.
16. Did you deliver the message to the Head of the Engineering Department?
17. I don’t know how to handle with this equipment.
18. This car is difficult to handle.
19. There is a sign - “Handle with care”.
20. What is the diameter of traffic signs?
21. Too much sun can harm your skin.
22. The implant in her body didn’t do any harm to her health.
23. Implants must be put in accurately or they can harm you.
24. Development of RSI can harm your health.
25. Use an adjustable chair or it can harm your body.
26. Copper pipe is sold in length.
27. What is the name of the main pipeline in Russia?
28. People get gas with the help of pipelines.
29. The plant is within walking distance.
30. Can you see the number of the bus at this distance?
31. This company delivers goods to long distance.
32. There is a traffic sign – “Keep your distance!”
33. Petrol ignites easily.
34. Be careful with these chemicals, they ignite easily.
35. Try to splice these pieces of plastic accurately.
36. The magnetic tape was spliced accurately.

Check the knowledge of active vocabulary from this part with the help of “ACTIVE VOCABULARY” section.

Part II

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