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Exercise 13. Insert it or there in the following sentences

1. __ was too cold to sit down, but 1 paused every now and then to lean on the parapet... (Murdoch) 2. __ was no mist here and a great vault of clear stars hung over the city with an intent luxurious brilliance. (Murdoch) 3. In what I could discern of the Square __ seemed to be no one about. (Murdoch) 4. __ took me several minutes to collect myself. (Murdoch) 5. __ did not occur to me to reflect that there was anything illogical in this and indeed __ was nothing illogical. (Murdoch) 6. He stood and watched her, sorry. But __ could be no altering it. 7. I kept my face stern, but __ was so much light within, __ must have showed a little. (Murdoch) 8. __ was still nearly an hour to wait before their plane was due to leave... (Murdoch) 9. __ was a little Hurry as Georgie dropped her handbag and Honor picked it up for her. (Murdoch) 10. __ ihen occurred to me that just this was precisely what I might be able to manage. (Murdoch) 11. Between Brangwen and Skrebensky __ was an unbridgeable silence. Sometimes the two men made a slight conversation, but __ was no interchange. (Lawrence) 12. A terrible energy pervaded Antonia at this time and __ tired me extremely to be with her. (Murdoch) 13. I say this in case you should after last night's exhibition, feel any apprehension of possible violence to your brother. I assure you sincerely that __: is no such possibility. __,. only remains for me to apologize to you very humbly... (Murdoch)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 710 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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