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Exercise 10. Point out parenthetical clauses. Translate into Russian

1. You never liked her, she says, and you have made him feel that she isn't worthy of him. (Dreiser) 2. Already he was doing big things, so he thought, in surgery, and the older men in his line were regarding him with a rather uneasy eye. (Dreiser). 3. On one of these occasions, so Marie Redmond said, she came to her and announced that she was living in a basement room in one of the poorer sections of the city. (Dreiser) 4. As I say, I was fortunate to get her. (Murdoch) 5. Your story, you know, showed such breadth, and vigor, such maturity and depth of thought. (London) 6. Her conduct, it was clear, was little satisfactory to her mother, who scarcely mentioned her, or else the kind lady thought it was best to say nothing, and leave time to work out its cure. (Thackeray) 7. Thomas Esmond — captain Thomas, as he was called — became engaged in a gaming-house brawl, of which the consequence was a duel, and a wound so severe that he never — his surgeon said — could outlive it. (Thackeray) 8 Truly, I thought, here is one who is startlingly beautiful. (Dreiser) 9. The effect produced by both Lady Castlewood's children when they appeared in public was extraordinary, and the whole town speedily rang with their fame: such a beautiful couple, it was declared, never had been seen... (Thackeray) 10. She suggested that she would come over and pack up my Minton dinner service and one or two other things which she said must on no account be trusted to the removal men. (Murdoch) 11. My breathing, even my heartbeat must, I felt already, be audible through the house like the panting of an engine. (Murdoch) 12. Two electric fires were burning in the room, but Antonia had insisted on lighting a coal fire, to cheer me up, as she put it. (Murdoch)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 807 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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