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These phrases (1-6) all include the word career. Match each of them to its correct meaning (a-f)

1) career move a) chances to start/improve your career

2) career break b) ideas you have for your future career

3) career plan c) an action you take to progress in your career

4) career opportunities d) a period of time away from your job to, for example, look after your children

5) career path e) a series of levels or steps in your working life

6) career ladder f) the direction your working life takes

2. Complete the sentences below with the verbs: climb, decide, have, make, offer, take

1) Employees in large multinationals _________ excellent career opportunities if they are willing to travel.

2) Some people ________ a career break to do something adventurous like sailing round the world or going trekking in India.

3) One way to _________ a career move is to join a small but rapidly growing company.

4) Certain companies _________ career opportunities to the long-term unemployed or to people without formal qualifications.

5) Ambitious people often __________ on a career plan while they are still at university.

6) In some industries, it can take a long time to __________ the career ladder.

3. Read the texts where three people talk about their careers.Complete the gaps with the phrases. Then answer the question: "Which person is at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of their career?"

a) I don't really have a career path

b) I recently decided to take a career break

c) I always had a career plan

d) it's not a very good career move

e) I worked my way up the career ladder

f) the career opportunities


Well, for a long time, I think I was very ambitious - you know, wanting to get to the top and to earn as much money as possible. But then I decided that other things are more important. (1) _________, so I'm travelling for a year and doing some unpaid work. I want to see something of the world and look at my options. Everyone at work says (2) _________, but it's what I want to do. All my friends think I'm mad, but I think I have time. I'm only in my thirties, after all.


It's been very difficult, I think - to get a start without much experience,you know. It's the chicken-and-egg situation - you can't get a job without experience, and you can't get experience without a job. (3) _________ everybody talks about are not really happening for me.Maybe the problem is that (4) _________ in mind. I'm still not really sure what I want to do in the long term. I've done different things, but they don't seem to lead anywhere. I don't really know where I'm going. Studying at university made a lot of sense at the time, but now I'm not so sure. I don't feel very prepared for my working life.


Well, I suppose (5) __________, and for me it seems to have been successful. I first worked for the company part time when I was a student,part of a work placement, which I organized myself. I always wanted to work in this area and only really for one company. They offered me a full-time job, and then (6) _______ from trader to associate to manager to director. I'm now a partner. Maybe it's a bit unusual these days to only work for one company, but for me it's allI wanted. It's only been 17 years, but I'm going to take early retirement next year and buy a boat.

4. Look at these groups of words. Cross out the noun or noun phrase in each group which doesn't go with the verb in bold

1) make a fortune / progress / a living / a training course

2) get progress / a promotion / a bonus / fired (AmE) / the sack (BrE)

3) earn commission / a part-time job / money / 40,000 per year

4) do part-time work / a mistake / a nine-to-five job / your best

5) take a pension / an opportunity / time off / early retirement

6) work flexitime / anti-social hours / overtime / an office job

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