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VOCABULARY. procedure процедура warrant подтверждать misdemeanour судебно-наказуемый проступок return an indictment выносить

procedure процедура warrant подтверждать
misdemeanour судебно-наказуемый проступок return an indictment выносить обвинительный акт
felony фелония (категория тяжких преступлений, по степени опасности находящаяся между государственной изменой и мисдиминором) deliberations обсуждения
bail передача на поруки; залог proceedings процессуальные действия
on behalf of от имени кого-либо in private при закрытых дверях
bailsman поручитель settle урегулировать
charge назначать plea bargain сделка о признании вины (в наименее тяжком из вменяемых обвинением преступлений)
grand jury большое следственное жюри (коллегия из 12-23 присяжных, решающая вопрос о предании обвиняемого суду) plead guilty признать себя виновным
examine расследовать (в суде)    

1) What role the lay magistrates do play in the U.S. system? 2) Who a key courtroom figure in the U.S. system is? 3) What the prosecutor does determine? 4) What whether the accused appears before a lower court or a higher court determines? 5) What the accused is offered? 6) What meant is by the term "bail"? 7) What the task of the grand jury is? 8) What meant is by the term "indictment"? 9) What normally conducted in private is? 10) On the basis of what the case often settled when it is is brought before the trial court? 11) What meant by the termis "plea bargain"?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) The lay magistrates play a significant role in the U.S. system.

2) The prosecutor is a figure of fun in the U.S. system. 3) The prosecutor does not determine the charges. 4) The prosecutor determines whether the accused appears before a lower court or a higher court. 5) Lower court deals with felonies. 6) Higher court deals with misdemeanours. 7) The accused is never offered bail. 8) The accused is released when he deposits with the court a certain sum. 9) Bail is money left with a court of law to prove that a prisoner will not return when their trial starts. 10) The task of the grand jury is to accord with prosecution. 11) The grand jury returns an indictment if the evidence produced by the prosecutor is not warranted. 12) Indictment is an official written statement charging someone with a civil offence. 13) The deliberations and proceedings before the prosecutor are conducted in private. 14) The case is often settled on the basis of a plea bargain made between the grand jury and the defense lawyer. 15) Plea bargain is the practice of agreeing to admit in a court that one is guilty of a serious crime, in exchange for not being charged with a small crime.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) The lay magistrates an insignificant role play. 2) The prosecutor a key courtroom figure is. 3) The prosecutor the charges determines. 4) The charges whether the accused appears before a lower court or a higher court determine. 5) Lower court with misdemeanours deals. 6) Higher court with felonies deals. 7) The accused is bail in every case offered. 8) The accused isn't unless he is able to deposit with the court a certain sum released. 9) Bail money is left with a court of law to prove that a prisoner will return when their trial starts. 10) The task of the grand jury to examine the evidence produced by the is prosecutor. 11) The grand jury an indictment if the evidence produced by the prosecutor is returns warranted. 12) Indictment an official written statement charging someone with a criminal is offence. 13) The deliberations and proceedings before the grand jury are in private conducted. 14) The case is often on the basis of a plea bargain made between the prosecutor and the defense lawyer settled. 15) Plea bargain the practice of agreeing to admit in a court that one is is guilty of a small crime, in exchange for not being charged with a more serious crime.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Нижестоящий суд; мисдиминор; фелония; передача на поруки; залог; большое следственное жюри; расследовать в суде; подтверждать; выносить обвинительный акт; обсуждения; процессуальные действия; при закрытых дверях; урегулировать; сделка о признании вины; признать себя виновным; предмет насмешек; вышестоящий суд; поручитель; процедура; согласиться с доводами обвинения.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) The lay magistrates play... 2) The prosecutor is... 3) The prosecutor determines... 4) The charges determine... 5) Lower court deals with... 6) Higher court deals with... 7) The accused is offered... 8) The accused isn't released unless... 9) Bail is... 10) The task of the grand jury is... 11) The grand jury returns... 12) Indictment is... 13) The deliberations and proceedings before the grand jury are conducted in... 14) The case is often settled on the basis of... 15) Plea bargain is t...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about

a) prosecutor's role;

b) the accused and his bail;

c) grand jury's functions;

d) plea bargain.

Retell the text “Criminal procedure in the United States”.

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