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Task 16. Compare the following pairs of sentences paying attention to emphatic words

1. Особливу увагу придiляють закону гравiтацiї. – Particular (special) attention is given to the law of gravity.

2. Перш за все увагу придiляють дизайну нового смартфону. – Attention is primarily given to the design of the new smartphone.

3. Умовам працi придiляэться особлива увага. – Particular (special) emphasis is given to working conditions.

4. Надано опис нового приладу, до того ж особливу увагу придiляють його позитивним якостям та недолiкам. – A new device is described with particular (special) emphasis on its advantages and limitations.

5. Обговорюють отриманi данi, особливо враховують їх практичне застосування. – The findings are discussed and special account is taken of their practical implication.

Now make the following sentences more emphatic using the words special, specific, particular. Study the example first:

Attention is given to research and development. – Particular attention is given to research and development.

1. Attention is given to discipline.

2. An account is taken of different factors influencing water pollution.

3. Certain emphasis is placed on producing energy-saving home appliances.

4. A new lap-top has been tested and attention is given to the performance of its processor.

5. An account is taken of all ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ for setting up a subsidiary in South-East Asia.

6. Attention is given to customer loyalty.

7. Certain emphasis is placed on training our sales personnel.

8. The company strategy is discussed with emphasis on its overseas operation.

9. Attention is given to qualifications of our personnel.

10. The performance of the new monitor is shown and account is taken of its modern design and colour.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 304 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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