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Compound sentences with different subjects and with «so / for»

Model: The taxi stopped at the station. Two men got out of it. (and)
  The taxi stopped at the station and two men got out of it.
1. You can give some advice. Your colleague can. (either you … or)
2. The old lady was nervous. She wasn’t used to strangers calling late at night. (for)
3. The telephone connects you to a person directly. Your question will be answered immediately. (and)
4. I like ice-cream. Michael doesn’t like sweet things. (but)
5. The alarm-clock rang. I had to get up. (and)
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with noun clauses (or that -clauses) as subject of a sentence (sentences with noun clause subjects usually begin with it) .
Model: He feels angry. It’s not surprising. – It’s not surprising (that) he feels angry.
1. She has resigned from her job. It’s a shame ….
2. There are no lights on. It’s strange ….
3. You were insured. It’s a good thing ….
4. You’ve passed your exam. It’s splendid ….
5. They didn’t get married. It’s a great pity ….
6. Everybody should know what to do. It is essential ….
Exercise 3. In the following complex sentences find subject clause, predicate clause, object clause. Translate them into Russian. (Обратите внимание, что: а) в придаточных предложениях подлежащих, сказуемых и дополнительных, которые вводятся словами whose, who, what, when, how, why и т.п., всегда употребляется порядок слов повествовательного предложения в отличие от самостоятельных вопросительных предложений; б) союз that в object clauses часто опускается).
1. Do you know how a four-cycle diesel works?
2. When heating gases we find they act in exactly the same way as liquids.
3. The question is whether they will arrive in time to take part in this work.
4. The doctor’s advice was that my sister should go to the South immediately.
5. That the matter should have taken such a turn is not surprising.
6. The laboratory assistant said he would demonstrate a linear amplifier.
7. He isn’t what he pretends to be.
Exercise 4. Join these sentences using who or which(all of them will also join with that).
Model: He’s an accountant. He does my accounts. He’s my accountant who does my accounts.
1. She’s the nurse. She looked after me.
2. That’s the magazine. It arrived this morning.
3. I read books. I borrow them from library.
4. There are some infinite numbers. They are larger than any number we can possibly write no matter how long we work.
5. I met Professor Smith. He’s Tom’s supervisor.
Exercise 5. Join these sentences with one of the conjunctions in brackets.
Model: I lost a lot of weight. I was ill. (when) I lost a lot of weight when I was ill.
1. I phoned home. I arrived at the airport building. (immediately after)
2. We instructed our London office to prepare the goods for shipment. We received your telegram. (as soon as)
3. I reached my house. It started raining. (by the time)
4. Fast neutrons can penetrate any material and must be slowed down. They can be absorbed. (before)
5. She pressed the button. The lift stopped. (when)
Exercise 6. Join these sentences with the conjunctions to say why. More than one order is possible.
Model: Service in this hotel ought to improve. There’s been a change of management. (because) – Service in this hotel ought to improve because there’s been a change of management.
1. Could you sell your old computer to me? You have no further use for it. (as)
2. You don’t like Bill. Why did you invite him? (seeing that)
3. You are here. You can as well give me a hand. (since)
4. The soup was very salty. We were thirsty afterwards. (as)
5. It was too dark to go on. We camped there. (as/because/since)
6. Tom knows French. He’d better do the talking. (as/since/seeing that)
Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences to say where.
Model: This is the exact spot where the accident happened.
1. Some television programs are familiar everywhere __.
2. I like to spend my leave where __.
3. He went where __.
4. The house stands where __.
5. She was welcome where __.  
Exercise 8. Complete the following sentences to say how. Use conjunction as –как, as if (as though) – как будто, как если бы, that – что, so that (so) – так что.
Model: It sounds as if it’s raining.
1. You never do anything the way __.
2. He went to the lecture early __.
3. She sat behind me __.
4. The weather was so bad __.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 491 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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