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Verb + Gerund or Infinitive

  Common verbs followed by Gerund Common verbs followed by Infinitive
  Accuse Admit Advise Anticipate Appreciate Avoid Complete Consider Delay Deny Discuss Dislike Enjoy Finish Hate Can’t help Keep Look forward to Mention Mind Miss Practice Recommend Regret Remember Resist Risk Suggest Understand Be worth Afford Agree Arrange Ask Care Decide Demand Deserve Expect Fail Hesitate Hope Learn Manage Mean Offer Plan Prepare Pretend Promise Refuse Seem Struggle Threaten Volunteer Wait Want Wish


Use Examples Notes
Some verbs can be followed by either Gerund or Infinitive: 1. With start, begin, continue the meaning is the same. I started to work/ working. It began to rain/raining. He continued to talk/talking.  
2. With forget, stop, remember, try, need, like the meaning changes. · forget+Infinitive forget+Gerund · stop+Infinitive stop+Gerund · remember+Infinitive remember+Gerund · try+Infinitive try+Gerund · need+Infinitive need+Gerund · like+Infinitive like+Gerund He forgot to meet his wife at the station. I’ll never forget meeting her for the first time. I stopped to read the notice on the door. I stopped reading and switched on the TV. I must remember to write to him! I remember writing to him last week. I’m trying to do this crossword. Why don’t you try doing yoga? You need to clean the car. Your car needs cleaning. She likes listening to pop-music. She likes to come to the railway station an hour before the departure. =He didn’t meet her because he forgot. =I met her. I’ll never forget it. =I stopped walking because I wanted to read it. =I stopped doing it because I wanted to do smth.else. =I must remember first and then write. =I wrote to him. Now I remember. =It’s hard but I’m making an effort. =It might help you relax. =You have to clean it. =It has to be cleaned. =She enjoys it. =She thinks that it is more convenient.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 372 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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