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Прочтите по ролям следующие диалоги (A-D). Определите, каким ситуациям они соответствуют (1-4)

1. Neighbours

2. In a taxi

3. In a shop

4. Work colleagues


a: Morning!

в: Oh, morning! How are you?

a: I'm fine, I'm fine. Nice day, isn't it?

в: Yes, it's lovely.

a: So, have you got any plans for today?

в: No, nothing special. We might go to the park later, what do you think?

c: Yes, Mummy,

в: How about you?

a: Well, my grand-daughter's coming over later...

в: Oh, that's nice.

a: Yes, well she's just come back from...

c: Mummy...

в: Yes, darling, I'm just talking,

c: Mummy can we go to the park now?

Listen, I'd better get on. I hope you have a nice day.


a: Hello dear.

в: Hello, Laura. Are you feeling better now?

a: Yes, I'm much better. I had to take a couple of days off, it's my back again,

в: Oh dear.

a: Yeah, I'm just... it's because I'm sitting here all day.

в: Mmm.

a: Anyway, I went to see the doctor, and he gave me something for it so I'm going back next week,

в: Mmm. How's the family?

a: Oh, they're all right. Yes, they're all fine,

в. The children are back at school now are they?

a: Oh yes, they're back. That's £8.26. please.


a. Afternoon.

в: Good afternoon.

c: Hi there.

в: Where are you going?

a: It's the, er, Caledonian Hotel, please, it's in...Princes Street.

в: Caledonian Hotel, I know it, all right. So are you here on holiday?

a: Right yeah. We're here on holiday. How did you know?

в: Oh I can always tell. Where are you from. America is it?

c: No, we're Canadian. We're from Toronto.

в: Canada, eh? Well, well, that's a long way to come. Is this your first time in Edinburgh?

a Yes. it's our first time here, but I have family here.

в: Is that right?

my family came from near here. They moved to Canada.


a: Hi.

в: Hello there.

a: Did you have a good weekend?

в: Yeah, it was OK. I didn't do much, really, just sat at home relaxing, y'know. How about you?

a: Yeah, oh I had a fantastic weekend, great yeah.

в: Oh really. What did you do?

a: Oh well, nothing really,

в: Oh right. Like me then.

a: Yeah, I suppose so.

в: Did you see the football on Sunday?

a: Oh. yeah, fantastic, wasn't it? That goal was brilliant!

в: Did you think so? I wanted United to win, actually. I thought they were a bit unlucky.

a: What do you mean unlucky! They were lucky they only lost 1-0 and that was definitely a penalty...

в: Nah! He just fell over.

(Pre- Intermediate, p.161)

2) Какие речевые формулы приветствия и сопровождающие его фразы Вы знаете?

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