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I. a. Прочтите текст о семье Миллеров. Исправьте, данные предложения так, чтобы они соответствовали высказываниям персонажей текста и определите кому они принадлежат

George Miller Sandy Miller Helen Miller Daniel Miller
1.”It’s bigger than it looks from the outside, there were three bedrooms there but our children weren’t pleased. ” 2. “Our bedrooms were too small.” 3.”At home we have a room for using the computer and a playroom, and in England we had to all stay in the living room together.” 4. “We were very impressed by the large long garden.” and 5. “The house was very cosy and colourful. ”

Б. Прочтите текст о семье Кэйнов. Исправьте, данные предложения так, чтобы они соответствовали высказываниям персонажей текста и определите, кому они принадлежат.

Tim Keane Katy Keane Beth Keane Charles Keane Joe Keane
1.”The houses were so big. ” 2. “It was lovely having a bathroom attached to a bedroom. ” 3.”It was great doing sport and eating in the yard!” 4.”The children enjoyed the yard but I found it a bit boring. ” 5. “I didn’t like the décor much.”

II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на основании информации текстов.

1. The English house/the American house has got a room for games.

2. The English house/the American house is very big.

3. The English house/the American house has got other houses attached to it.

4. The English house/the American house has got small bedrooms.

5. The English house/the American house is more pleasant inside.

6. The English house/the American house has got a large yard with a permanent barbecue.

7. The English house/the American house has got a large garden.

8. The English house/the American house has got lots of security systems.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 637 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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